August 08, 2008

Democratic National Convention Countdown, No. 17--Protestors To Appeal "In The Streets Of Denver," Obama's New Salute

"We'll file our appeals in the streets of Denver. We intend to march, and we still intend to go to the Pepsi Center"--Glenn Spagnuolo of Recreate '68, after a judge ruled against a lawsuit filed by the ACLU on the protestors' behalf, won't appeal (in court)

"We are going to file our appeal in the street. Do not blame us for the confrontational situation that may come. This will become ground zero for the fight of our civil liberties"--Spagnuolo, again

Democratic National Convention Daily Digest and Open Thread
Friday August 8, 2008--No. 17


Drunkablog analyzes Spagnuolo's veiled threats, the decision not to appeal, and found a list of the ways that Denver and the Secret Service have provided an even bigger platform for the protestors, who will be saying "no" big time:

"We try to remain non-violent in the face of overwhelming oppression and violence. But, you know, we do expect the police to get violent. They train for it every day. They're spending millions of dollars to get weapons to act violent every single day. So we expect them to act in that way. It's a testament to when protest becomes effective, governments become repressive. And that's exactly what's happening. And like I said, revolution starts with one word; that word's no. We're saying no to the federal courts, basically."
No to non-violence too Glenn? Spagnuolo claims mantle of Martin Luther King, Jr.

•Jeralyn Merritt at Elevated Voices (among the best lefty bloggers in Colorado) has a lengthy legal analysis of the judge's decision

•You have got to be kidding . . .right, right? Nope, it's serious (h/t Gateway Pundit):

A "sign" of a lot of things--lack of historical context, arrogance, and general moonbattiness--but "progress" definitely doesn't come to mind . . . Michelle Malkin has few alternate suggestions, and a roundup of blog reactions

•All are welcome--Raelians, illegal aliens, Recreate '68/Tent State/Anarchists in the DNC's daily parade-a-palooza

•While your busy trying to make that symbol with your own hands (admit it, you tried it), here's the DNC platform to chew on, all 54 pages of socialist claptrap and bumper sticker philosophy!

"Wait list" for those stragglers who haven't yet applied for "community credentials" for Barack Obama's Invesco Field speech; "Top dollar" already being offered on Craigslist for Invesco tickets that haven't even been distributed, and officials face a mountain of difficulty in preventing scalping

Obama's least favorite candidate spouse (Bill Clinton) will appear on Wednesday of the convention, before the as-yet-to-be-determined VP

A list of all the parties none of us are invited to (not without celebrity or less than $10k) at both the DNC and RNC (more here); Not on the VIP list? Young Dems are having a party, and everyone is invited

•For some reason we can't understand, Denver residents living near parks and other DNC venues are concerned about protestors, traffic, and least understandably, their property--but Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper assured us everything would be alright!

•The SUVs at the DNC are hybrid, of course, but the irony is "delicious" according to Independence Institute's Jon Caldara, who pointed out the hypocrisy

See the entire convention (or as much as you can stomach) online in HD

Oprah drops $50k on a house for DNC week

•Pepsi Center preparations continue apace:

All previous Daily Digests can be found here.

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