August 03, 2008

Don't Bomb Iran!

In a rather feeble tune up for the impending DNC festivities, a handful of local moonbats (and the intrepid bloggers who cover them) sweltered in 100 degree heat around noon yesterday on the west steps of the Capitol. The message? Don't bomb Iran!

Drunkablog has plenty more photos as well, with some, uh, responses, for Denver's finest moonbats. Also via Drunka, Urban Infidel, who captured the New York edition.

Nothing like a little preemptive protesting:

Yep--a CCCP shirt right there in the midst of the signage, and a request to read Lew Rockwell.

The folks from Colorado Gathering of Eagles were there to support the troops and engage in a little counter-moonbattery.

As Drunkablog points out, nothing says moonbat protest like quoting Churchill. Ward Churchill, that is.

"Obama + McCain = Imperialist War Pigs"

The clouds didn't offer much relief from the triple-digit heat, but the relatively few protestors were balanced out by a good number of tourists taking in the sights.

It kept looking like things were about to kick off, but nothing really happened--no redundant songs, no manifesto speeches--they didn't seem angry, but more resigned. Heh.

That's Spagnadoodles (Glenn Spagnuolo of Recreate '68) on the left. Observe the moonbat with the most hateful, and most revealing sign of the day, right there in the middle--"Abort the Troops." But don't--I repeat--don't question their patriotism.

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