March 12, 2008

Recreate '68 Games Denver's Permit Process For DNC

Looks like Recreate '68 has a few tricks up its sleeve to guarantee better placement for protest permits for Denver's DNC in August (h/t the inimitable Drunkablog):
Mark Cohen and his wife, Barbara, organizers for the Recreate 68 Alliance, have filed separate applications under different organizational names.

"I don't see anything unfair about it," Mark Cohen said Tuesday. "If (other organizations applying for permits) wanted to submit more than one application, they could, since the form allows people to submit as individuals."

But Erin Trapp, director of the Denver Office of Cultural Affairs, which is accepting the applications, said the city has told organizations to submit one request per event.

"We are taking them on their word that they're doing that," she said. "We can't police it and won't."
Of course, should their dastardly plans be thwarted, it is unlikely that the group will observe any restrictions from an "occupying, imperialist government."

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