February 01, 2008

Mitt Romney Visits Colorado In Advance Of Super Tuesday

"Romney has the resume and executive experience to be not only an effective president, but a problem-solver in a world full of problems"--Denver Post endorsement, 2-1-08

Mitt Romney greets supporters following his speech at Freeway Ford in Denver

Part 1, introductions from Bob Beauprez and Sen. Wayne Allard

Part 2

Part 3

Denver Post--in a somewhat shocking development--endorsed Mitt Romney (read a transcript of the exchange between Mitt Romney and DP editorial board):
Arizona Sen. John McCain, now the frontrunner, is an American hero, a foreign-policy expert and a veteran of the Washington trenches. But with a volatile economy overtaking Iraq as a chief concern among voters, we believe that Mitt Romney is the best choice for Colorado Republicans.

As a governor of Massachusetts, a skilled businessman and the savior of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Romney possesses the executive acumen necessary to
. . .
Washington Republicans have strayed far from the fiscal conservatism their party has traditionally championed. So while we applaud McCain's stand against wasteful spending, we're even more impressed with Romney's real-world experience in running lean budgets and bringing financial competency to companies.

We believe his economic growth plan — eliminating taxes on capital gains and interest and dividends for middle-class households — will help spur capital investment and the economy.
. . .
Romney has the resume and executive experience to be not only an effective president, but a problem-solver in a world full of problems.
Estimates of crowd size exceeded 1500. Video coverage from 9NEWS (part 1, part 2), CBS4 (video).

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