November 13, 2006

Denver's DNC Bid In 2008 Hinges On Union Support

The increasingly Democratic voting Colorado--putting the "purple" in "purple mountain's majesty--could see its bid for the 2008 Democratic National Convention lose to New York without key labor support:
A blue oasis in the heart of the predominantly Republican Rocky Mountain West, Denver could lose its bid to lure the 2008 Democratic National Convention unless it can win the support of an important constituency _ labor unions.

The city's prospects for securing the convention were boosted in Tuesday's election by Democratic victories across Colorado _ including the pickup of the governor's office and a House seat. They showed the party's success in making inroads in normally GOP terrain.

Denver also boasts a renovated convention center and a flashy new hotel.

What it does not have, at least yet, is the support of union members. Without it, Denver has no chance of beating New York City in the competition for a political plum.


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