Pre-ATF Party: Freedom Underground - Nanny State Policy Panel; Liberty On The Rocks BBQ
Freedom Underground - Nanny State Policy Panel
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Warwick Hotel, (The former Playboy Club) 1776 Grant Street, Denver, CO
***Don’t forget to sign up for the ATF Party the next day!***Listen to Jon Caldara and Amy Oliver talk nannyism, the ATF party, and this great panel event!
11:00a.m. — Registration
11:30a.m. — Lunch
Keynote Speaker: David Martosko, Center for Consumer Freedom
1:00p.m. — Morality and Philosophy of Nannyism
2:15p.m. — Economics of Nannyism: Sin Taxes and Litigation
3:30p.m. — Break
3:45p.m. — Fighting Nannyism:
5:00p.m. — Break
6:00p.m. – Dinner
Keynote Speaker: Andrew Breitbart, The DrudgeReport, and Big Hollywood
8:00 p.m. – Cocktails & Cigars
This is a can’t miss event! Give us a call @ 303.279.6536 or RSVP online here to reserve your spot!
Liberty on the Rocks BBQ!
Date: Sunday, June 14, 2009
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Washington Park
Street: Corner of Franklin and Virginia
City/Town: Denver, CO
Location - Picnic Spot One at Wash Park next to the fire station (corner of Franklin and Virginia). There is plenty of free on-street parking.
Join others who love freedom for a fun in the sun day at the park!
There will be hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and other snacks provided. We will have water and soda, but if you'd like to drink, please bring your own alcohol. And be sure it's not glass - park rules!
There will also be a bake sale to raise money for the organization - so come with your sweet tooth!
We will have games to play, lunch and snacks to munch on and as always, great conversations! Come on out to Washington Park on Sunday, June 14th to network, make friends, eat BBQ lunch and have a great time!
Hope to see you there!
Labels: alcohol tobacco firearms, andrew breitbart, economics, independence institute, jon caldara, liberty on the rocks, nanny state, nannyism
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