Denver Anti-Stimulus Rally: Photo Essay
**Update 2: Instalanche! Thanks Glenn! Hot Air too--thanks AP!
**Update: Videos are live (more on the way)
"No More Pork!"
An unexpected guest of honor!
Approximately 500-750 people showed up to the state capitol in Denver to say: "No More Pork!"
More from Michelle Malkin, the great El Marco, and wall-to-wall coverage from Peoples Press Collective. Face the State has a recap and slideshow, and Free Colorado has even more photos and audio/transcript of the rally.
While the videos are uploaded to YouTube (video of every speaker will be available shortly), here are scenes from the raucous anti-stimulus rally:
Independence Institute President and featured speaker, Jon Caldara
The roasted pig waiting to be unveiled
We agree.
Michael Huttner of ProgressNow Colorado (you can Google the link) couldn't pass up the free publicity.
The most popular speaker of the day--blogress extraordinaire Michelle Malkin of and
The roasted pig unveiled!
Former Rep. Tom Tancredo
Dumb and Dumber--Reid and Pelosi
Nathan the pig, about to bring the house down.
State Sen. Kevin Lundberg
State Sen. Josh Penry
Colorado GOP Chair Dick Wadhams--the long road back begins now.
Jon Caldara leads the crowd in chants of "No More Pork!"--the obvious theme of the day.
Here, here!
Fascism/Communism--same state control, same awful results
"Come and get it!"
Michelle Malkin serves the masses.
Not good change, that's for sure!
To the tune of at least $787 billion
Just say no to the Fairness Doctrine--raging against government control of the airwaves
More to come . . .
Labels: barack obama, blogosphere, denver, liberty, ppc, stimulus bill
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