RMA 2.0: Rocky Mtn Blogs Radio Show #10
**NOTE: New time and extended format--Every Tuesday--next show January 20, 8:30 pm.

The Blog Talk Radio version of the Rocky Mountain Alliance. A weekly discussion about politics--national, state, and local--featuring RMA members bloggers led by featured host and producer Joshua Sharf, with rotating co-host duties from Ben DeGrow of Mount Virtus, Randy Ketner of Night Twister, and Michael Alcorn of Best Destiny.
**January 20 lineup--Guests include Todd Shepherd, Independence Institute and Mark Hillman, Colorado Republican National Committeeman.
Next week--TBD.
Last week (all shows archived): January 13--State Rep. Ellen Roberts, R-Durango (HD 59) and State Senator Mike Kopp, SD 21, R-Littleton.
January 6--CU Regent Tom Lucero, chairman of the successful Amendment 54 campaign and a candidate for CD 4 in 2010.
December 30--RMA took a look back at a dismal year in their 2008 year-in-review.
December 23--Joshua and fellow commentators (including yours truly) hosted Jim Pfaff of Americans for Prosperity Foundation and Opinion Times. Pfaff discussed the AFP Colorado report "Keeping Colorado Competitive" and bridging the Christian/libertarian gap.
On December 16 we hosted State Rep. Kevin Lundberg (District 49), and discussed the Salazar appointment as the Secretary of the Interior in the Obama cabinet.
The December 12 edition featured Aurora City Councilman Ryan Frazier.
**Bookmark the new RMA Radio home page, with embedded player and calendar of upcoming shows and featured guests.
Stream the show live, or play/download the podcast at your convenience.

I'll update co-host and guest info for each episode as it becomes available. Stay tuned . . .
RMA's shows are archived--if you missed any of them, be sure to check out the archive page to stream or download, or scroll down this page a bit, for the embedded archive player.
Labels: blogosphere, media bias, ppc, rocky mountain alliance 2.0, talk radio
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