August 15, 2008

Democratic National Convention Countdown, No. 10

DNC Countdown--10 days left (continuously updated) . . .

•Meditate, contemplate--"Instead of standing up and advocating any particular position, we're asking people to be quiet a little bit," said Meditate 08 co-chairman Don Morreale.

Greening, greening, gone?--DNC Director of Greening "Andrea Robinson was forced out of any meaningful role because of ongoing conflicts with vendors and her co-workers at the Democratic National Convention Committee, several sources said Thursday."

•As if Tent State itself wasn't cool enough itself--"And it obviously gives an incentive for more apathetic youth to come out to Tent State," Adam Jung on Rage Against the Machine's appearance (includes ticket info) in Denver during the DNC on behalf of the Tent Staters; but will the 50k protestors come for Tent State, or RATM?

•LoDo to Tent State (E.T. voice)--"Be Good"--"These are college kids who will run our country. We could do a lot worse."

•Can you hear me now? Good!--"We know this convention represents the most digitally advanced ever," said Keri Hissim, operations director for AT&T, the official wireless provider. "We absolutely intend to deliver on that expectation."

When in the course of DNC events--"One of the 25 surviving original copies of the Declaration of Independence will head to Denver after display Friday and Saturday at the Utah Capitol. It's on a tour of 17 cities as part of a voter-registration drive. After leaving Salt Lake, it will go to Denver for display during the Democratic National Convention."

•Off the beaten path--I-25 to be closed for Obama's Invesco festivities:
A 5.5-mile stretch of the busiest highway in the Rocky Mountain West — Interstate 25 past Invesco Field — will be closed to traffic on the evening Barack Obama accepts the Democratic presidential nomination at the stadium.

The Rocky first reported this nearly a month ago, but Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper confirmed today that state highway officials will close I-25 between I-70 and Sixth Avenue from 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 28, until after Obama's speech and other stadium festivities conclude.
. . .
The goal is to "meet Democratic National Convention needs while keeping Denver open and accessible" the statement stressed.

"We are grateful to our local, state and federal partners who shared our commitment to minimize impacts on the local community and to maximize ways for local residents to be a part of this historic event," Hickenlooper said.
Looks like DNC needs outweigh Denver's accessibility, you know, for the unwashed masses.

All previous Daily Digests can be found here.

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