March 09, 2007

Open Borders/Illegal Immigrant Activists Advocate Boycott

As usual, the proposed economic boycott is designed to show just how much impact the illegal immigrant community has on the economy--while ignoring the fact that except for permanent boycotts, these temporary gestures only result in heightened consumption before and after the target dates, as people stock up or resume their normal habits:
A coalition of immigrants’ rights activists, church leaders and community leaders announced plans today for a statewide boycott March 25-April 1 to bring attention to the economic contributions of illegal immigrants.

The boycott of all businesses is part of a campaign to drum up support for pending immigration reform legislation in the U.S. Senate.

"The economic gears of (the United States) depend on the contributions of 12 million undocumented immigrants," said Ignacio Ramirez, member of Immigrant Families of Southwest Denver. "Those gears cannot work without us."

Next week, a 10-member statewide delegation of reform proponents will leave for Washington, D.C. to urge elected representatives to support the proposed bill.
**Update on the rationale:
David Falcon, owner of a south Denver satellite dish service, said he supports the boycott of Colorado businesses, even though his sales are down by more than 20 percent because of what he says is apprehension among his customers about making major purchases because they fear getting deported at a moment's notice.

"I might lose a little business for a week, but in the long run, it's worth it to support something that will hopefully bring relief to many businesses such as mine," he said. "We cannot survive if we continue serving a clientele that is afraid to even leave their homes."

The boycott, led by members of the Colorado Immigrants Rights Coalition, is part of campaign to drum up support for pending immigration reform legislation in the U.S. Senate. It is similar to a boycott called for during last year's pro-immigrant demonstration, which drew more than 100,000 participants.

"The economic gears of (the U.S.) depend on the contributions of 12 million undocumented immigrants," said Ignacio Ramirez, a member of Immigrant Families of Southwest Denver. "Those gears cannot work without us."

At the morning news conference at Skyline Park amid downtown high-rise offices, Ramirez pointed to an adjacent glass tower and said, "Your offices are clean, thanks to who? Your gardens are beautiful. Thanks to who? You have dollar menus and Happy Meals. Thanks to who?"
Apparently, before the millions of illegal immigrants arrived, American offices went uncleaned, gardens untended, and meals unprepared. Who brought dollar menus and Happy Meals? Try marketing research. Or the entrepreneurs who own the businesses. Or capitalism in general. Just a thought.

And the recent raids? "Domestic terrorism".


Blogger Hyunchback said...

Ramirez left out some other things we need to give "thanks" for.

We face e. Coli on our spinach. Thanks to who?

We have higher crime. Thanks to who?

The wages of law-abiding CITIZENS is lower. Thanks to who?

Tuburculosis is on the rise again. Thanks to who?

Mon Mar 12, 07:22:00 AM  

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