December 05, 2006

CU To Consider Regents' Western Civ Proposal

That Western Civilization courses even need to be discussed in terms of reintroduction to the CU system (why were they abandoned in the first place?) boggles the mind in terms of logic but shouldn't surprise anyone familiar with the school:
University of Colorado officials today will consider launching a new Western Civilization department, which some regents say would help the school strengthen its basic curriculum.

The measure was introduced Monday and is being carried by four Republican regents, two of whom are finishing their service on the board this month. The measure says that the new department will be adopted by campuses no later than fall 2008.

But, Regent Michael Carrigan, a Denver Democrat, said there should have been faculty and student discussion before the measure was introduced. He is asking his colleagues to hold off on setting a date and first have school-wide discussions about the proposed department.

"I believe that a great books and classics program is worth exploring," Carrigan said. "However, I think that it is a discussion that should involve everyone in the university community."

School officials have increased their focus on civic literacy after a report released this fall gave CU students — and the average college senior nationwide — failing grades for even a basic understanding of American government, history and economics.

The measure up for consideration loosely defines what would fall into the Western Civilization studies and says it would include "history, principles, achievements and shortcomings."
Hmmm, which do you think will be emphasized more, the achievement or shortcomings of the history of dead white men?


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