June 07, 2007

"Liberal" Removed From Yearbook

Not that big a deal in terms of potential censorship, but perhaps really indicative of the current state of politics in America:
Altman and her husband submitted this message: "So proud of you Remy for achieving fantastic grades, participating in so many wonderful after school activities and surviving so many of the Belleview teachers' liberal teachings. You are what you believe you can be. Aim high, always. Love, Mom & Dad."

"What was taken out was surviving the liberal teachings," Altman said.

She wanted her daughter, years from now, to appreciate how well she did in school even though Altman felt teachers were biased.

"Despite all the liberal teachings and so forth, she's come out with a good education," said Altman.

Yearbook committee member Blair Mellon says they took out the "liberal teachings" part because it was a political statement and not appropriate for the yearbook. School leaders agreed.

"It is a keepsake for children," said Tustin Amole, Cherry Creek Schools spokesperson. "It's something that they are going to be looking at years and years from now and just not an appropriate forum for political statements."

Altman says it was not political.

"The word liberal means loose. We have to take what the definition of liberal means. I didn't say Democrats," she said.
It is difficult to tell if the administrators were indeed even-handed, and if any other potentially "political" messages were omitted.

With the type of teachers emerging from education schools across the country--liberal in outlook, moonbat in style--it is no wonder Altman felt the need to take a swipe at her daughter's teachers.

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